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Service Overview

T&D facilities are composed of many different systems and equipment which aim at ensuring a stable supply of electricity and at protecting facilities from accidents due to aging and failure of equipment. These systems are so complicated in structure that the mishandling of equipment could result in the suspension of power transmission, disasters and accidents.
Therefore, it is Hitachi Power Solutions' policy to dispatch at least one supervisor with practical knowledge and experience to ensure long-term stable power supply. We can confirm that this supervisor will be responsible for all jobs of maintenance and inspections including quality control, site schedule and so on as per maintenance contract.


Extend facilities’ service life

Dedicated supervisor is responsible for the result of inspection and repairment (if necessary) of aging T&D facilities till the initial condition is recovered.

Easy to average maintenance cost

We usually recommend annual maintenance and every 6 or 12 years detailed maintenance. In addition, we can propose the contract plan which averages the annual maintenance cost as per customer's request.

Maintenance cost
Maintenance cost

Long-term maintenance plan
Long-term maintenance plan

Application Areas

  • Manufacturing
  • Transport
  • Public infrastructure